Name a person who inspires you to be a better skier/rider?
My little bro Nic, he is stepping his game up so he keeps me on my toes.
In lieu of our 70th film, what’s your most memorable or favorite Warren Miller film or segment – past or present?
I can't remember the movie but the segment they did the wingsuits in France I think was insane. It was when they were first coming out and the guy set a world record for the longest flight. I was a kid and my mind was blown!
What would you do if you won the lottery?
A seaplane for sure. I want to be able to park it right at my dock, pack up and fly anywhere I want.
Best meal you can cook?
Favorite chairlift and why?
High Campbell aka Chair 6 at Crystal, goes right next to an iconic cliff called Hollywood. Only in rare cases does it have enough snow to send it. I have been lucky enough to send it right next to the chair. Always fun to ride that chair and think about it every year.
The most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this year? (books, podcasts, TV shows)
Amie's Long Underwear podcast has been really funny and interesting to hear different skiers stories and perspectives. I don't have a favorite.
Fictitious character you most identify with from a book, movie, etc. and why?
Shoot... no idea.
Highlight memory from filming with WME for this year's film?
The lodge we stayed at was extremely off the grid but massive. The whole story behind it was amazing as well. The family build it all and actually helped build the highway that connected the interior to Bella Coola. That alone was an awesome experience.
Gear you are loving right now, on or off the ski slopes, and why?
My Garmin Tracker. I've been using it to track output on bike rides and its awesome for training and just seeing how your body works.
Do you have any sponsors, if yes, who?
K2 Skis, Full Tilt Boots, Smith Optics, Crystal Mountain, Discrete