Name a person who inspires you to be a better skier/rider?
Travis Rice
In lieu of our 70th film, what’s your most memorable or favorite Warren Miller film or segment – past or present?
Our Nepal segment from Chasing Shadows. That was one epic adventure!
What would you do if you won the lottery?
The same thing I'm doing now; snowboarding and trying to inspire people!
Best meal you can cook?
Tom kha gai soup.
Favorite chairlift and why?
Thunder Chairlift at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort. I could lap the Mushroom Chutes forever.
The most interesting thing you’ve read or seen this year? (books, podcasts, TV shows)
Recently I've been watching a lot of stuff from an amazing teacher named SadhGuru. His mission to raise the vibration of the world is inspiring.
Fictitious character you most identify with from a book, movie, etc. and why?
Howard Roark. He is someone who created his life around the idea of who he truly, authentically was.
Highlight memory from filming with WME for this year's film?
Following Ryland Bell up some seriously steep couloirs. That kid has no fear and is beyond stoked on snowboarding.
Gear you are loving right now, on or off the ski slopes, and why?
My Winterstick pro-model snowboard the ARK. It is my favorite board of all time. I also can't go on the mountain without rocking my AVALON7 balaclava and mesh facemask system.
What is a cause you care about that you'd love to share with the Warren Miller audience?
Protect Our Winters and the Futurepositiv Project.