Featured Athlete: Madison Rose Ostergren 

What makes for an ultimate day on the mountain?

Friends to shred with!

Name a person who inspires you to be a better skier?

Marcus Caston. He is the best. But also many many other skiers and people inspire me for different reasons… their personalities, style, and the message and qualities they embody: Glen Plake, Jimmi Ryan, Angel Collinson, Wendy Fisher, and many other athletes I am surrounded by in the winter as well as athletes that I look up to that I haven’t ever met!

Fictitious character you most identify with from a book, movie, etc. and why?

Peter Pan. I relate to Peter in many ways. I identify with him because I love his creative, adventurous, curious, and daring soul. I like that he’s a confident leader and has a pack of friends, The Lost Boys - they adventure and live in a magical world together. I think some people might think of Peter as careless, selfish or boastful, which he is in some ways, but I think when you begin to understand him more… deep down he has his own inner battles he is working through and he is trying to figure it out the best he knows how… just like the rest of us. Deep down I think he feels love and warmth and maintains his youthful energy that he spreads with his vivid imagination and passion to the people he is around.

What is your vision for the future of skiing?

Inclusive and creative. Open, loving, sharing.

Favorite classic ski film and why?

I love all ski films- it’s hard to pick a favorite!