S3E5: Glen Plake - Long Underwear Podcast
Life off the grid, finding treasures in other peoples’ trash, debunking mohawk myths and how something as simple as awareness, a smile and being nice can make the world a better place.
In Episode 5 of Season 3 of Warren Miller Entertainment’s (WME) podcast, “Long Underwear”, host Amie Engerbretson sits down with the US National Ski Hall of Fame inductee, Glen Plake.
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Glen Plake and Amie Engerbretson in the fall of 2019.
About the Athlete:
Glen Plake and his famous mohawk changed the world of freeskiing and extreme skiing well before there was any form of social media. He’s been in Warren Miller films as well as other ski movies, like the “Blizzard of Aahhhs”, staring legends like Scot Schmidt and Mike Hattrup. Today, Glen is an ambassador for PSIA (the Professional Ski Instructors of America) and is featured in the Mustang Powder segment in 2019's Warren Miller film, “Timeless”, presented by Volkswagen.
No More “S” Word:
- Though Plake is known for his time as a pro skier, he has a love for cars, trucks and anything with a motor. He splits his time between his homes in Tahoe and Chamonix and explains the difference as life in Reno is spent enjoying things below 6,000 ft. boating, dirt biking, racing cars, jeeps, etc. and life in Chamonix is spent above 6,000 ft. mountaineering, bike riding, etc.
- Amie asks Glen what he thinks his best quality is and he explains that he has always tried to be a person who gives and shares. He recalls a quote from Richard Petty or “King Richard” the NASCAR racer, who once told him to “smile and be nice”, which Glen tries to live by.
- From there, Glen explains what he’d choose as his superpower should he be allowed one and he says he’d like to have clones so they could go do “all the fun stuff he doesn’t have time to do.”
- After that, Amie asks the question presented by Protect Our Winters, what would you ask all humans to do to make the world a better place and Glen says he’d promote education and the ability for every person to listen and seek awareness about things they don’t understand.
- Glen and Amie discuss Glen’s guilty pleasure of “collecting junk”, they debunk myths around his mohawk, and Amie figures out once and for all if Glen Plake is faster than JT Holmes in off-road racing.
- Finally, Glen shares the highs of buying a new Cabover truck and winning the Baja 500 (getting 16th place overall) and tells the recent story driving a vehicle out of Mexico for 500 miles at a whopping 30 miles per hour for about 26 hours…
Follow Glen on his adventures at @GlenPlake.
Big Thanks to our Season 3 Partners:
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