Articles by Brigid Mander

Winter is finally shaping up and in full swing. Peaks and valleys are coated in white, and stoked skiers are heading to resorts, sidecountry and even farther into the backcountry in search of their very own powder stashes.

In the house of Warren Miller Entertainment, there is no rest for the weary when it comes to the production side. The people behind these iconic films work hard all year long; luckily, this passionate crew finds joy in their work – not to mention... more

High in the western backcountry, avid skiers are making turns on the first snowfall.

Skiers have traditionally worn helmets only when required (e.g., small children, competitors).  Yet over the last few years, as helmets get stylish design makeovers and safety awareness increases, skiers and snowboarders have become more... more

ESPN’s popular Winter X-Games recently announced it was dropping ski and boarder-cross from the events list, shocking the sport and its fans.

It’s off-season for Points North Heli-Adventure’s owner Kevin Quinn, meaning he is down at Lake Tahoe, CA, but for Quinn, it’s never... more

Olympic gold-medalist and US Ski Team member Ted Ligety is a busy guy year round.

Just a few years ago, after a move to Squaw Valley, CA, a low-key East Coast mogul skier blew onto the competitive big mountain scene, with aggressive lines, strong skiing, and memorable airs.

When former Olympic skier Jeremy Bloom invited pro skier Chris Anthony to his Wish of a Lifetime Gala four years ago, Anthony was not entirely sure what the organization was all about.

When professional freeskier and Warren Miller Entertainment ripper Keely Kelleher retired from the US Ski Team in 2010 due to accumulated injuries, she didn’t see an end. Rather, the 27-year old saw only beginnings.
