Climb To Glory - Legacy of the 10th Mountain Ski Troopers

Climb to Glory is now available on Vimeo and Active Pass.


Produced by Colorado Ski and Snowboard Museum in partnership with Warren Miller Entertainment, Climb to Glory tells the story of the 10th Mountain Division Ski Troopers and how they transformed skiing as a whole and championed the U.S. Ski In­dustry after World War II. After participating in a major turning point in the War, these heroes came back from Italy as pioneering individuals and helped expand skiing from general resort develop­ment to a lifestyle sport . Narrated by Olympian and Colorado Ski & Snowboard Museum inductee Jeremy Bloom and inspired by Warren Miller Athlete Chris Anthony, "Climb to Glory" highlights their astounding impact to our country and the ski industry while incorporating the fun and flair of Warren Miller films.

The film is available now on Vimeo and on the Warren Miller Film Archive for Active Pass members. 


Climb To Glory - Legacy of the 10th Mountain Ski Troopers from Warren Miller Entertainment on Vimeo.